Beer & Yoga | Nancy Joyce


Know the feeling of getting off the mountain, taking off your boots, and grabbing a drink to hang by the fire with your friends? What if we get off the mountain, take off our boots (and socks), still grab that drink but take the hangout to our yoga mats? Thinking beer and yoga don’t really go together? Join us in Breckenridge this winter and see that they do! We’ll be on a retreat after all, a vacation, a adventure, so why not break a few rules. Because after all, life’s all about balance, isn’t it? Now I’m not saying lets do drunken yoga, I’m just saying a beer by the side of the mat is no harm no foul! And to be quite honest, your body is going to want the yoga, after a day on the slopes.

Snowga Benefits:

1.     Mobility and Flexibility – Skiers (and snow boarders) may not realize the importance mobility and flexibility plays into improving function, range of motion, and performance. Adequate flexibility, particularly in the hips, allows for better speed, turns and cuts. The pre-stretch is just as importance as the post stretch. Think deep hip openers, calves and quads.

2.     Breathing at Altitude – High altitudes can create challenges with depleted oxygen flow through the body, making it a challenge to breathe calmly while walking around in ski boots, even just going up the stairs. Yoga will give you the tools you need to focus on the breath, and help the flow of blood, oxygen and heat within the body.

3.     Sleep – Spending a day on the mountain can take a lot out of you. You need your energy, and the best way to get that energy is to get a good nights sleep.  It’s been proven that practicing yoga can help you sleep longer, fall asleep faster, and return to sleep more quickly if you wake up in the middle of the night. Get your beauty sleep on!

4. Stress Buster


Beer Benefits:

1.     Beer can be nutritious – Beer is made from hops, barley and wheat, so the beverage contains some of the same nutrients the grains do, including potassium, calcium, vitamin B and minerals. It’s also a source of fibre and antioxidants!

2.     Beer may boost bone health – Dietary silicon, found in beer, is important for the growth and development of bones and connective tissues. One study (Journal of the American Medical Associate) found that moderate drinkers were 38% less likely to have osteoporosis than non-drinkers.

3.     Improves Digestion – Beer is shown to possess a number of digestive properties, including the stimulation of gastric acid and pancreatic enzymes.

4.     Stress Buster

So the round that up, yoga reduces stress, beer reduces stress. Yoga will tend to your sore muscles post-ski sesh/day on the slopes. And we’re just doing all of this for fun, for a good time, and to feel better, while on an epic winter adventure. Join along for the ride, and for the Pre-ski, and après ski, yoga (beer optiona!l).

Nancy showing that deep runners lunge.

Nancy Joyce is a yoga teacher at Y7 and other studios in New York City. She will be leading the recover and yoga sessions on the SYB Ski Adventure to Breckenridge March 2-6, 2018.