
Yoga Teacher Training

7 Aug - 24 Nov 2024



Yoga Teacher Training

7 August - 24 November 2024

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SYB Yoga Teacher Training

SYB Yoga Teacher Training

August 7-13 Ensenada, Mexico + Online Learning + November 19-24 Playa Maderas, Nicaragua


Pay .


SYB Academy

Adventure in Mexico
Fitness and Adventure Holidays

SYB Academy

Our Yoga Alliance Certified 200 Hour Teacher Training starts off with a week intensive in Mexico with master instructor Katie Burke who has lead over 25 Yoga Teacher Trainings, first through CorePower and other studios and now, she has created her own program taking the best of her decades of experiences to create a life-changing program centered around YOU. This 7 day intensive has long days of diving deep into everything yoga. It is followed by 7 week online program with weekly meetings and one on ones which can be completed at your own pace. When you sign up with SurfYogaBeer, you get an EXTENDED training program on a 6-day immersive experience in Playa Maderas, Nicaragua to engrain everything you’ve learned over the previous months. In Nicaragua, we’ll start and end each day with a yoga practice then have sessions throughout the day delving into leadership development, musicality, finding your authentic voice, advanced sequencing & restorative yoga, retreat leader skill development, and more. You will have the opportunity to practice teach alongside our senior trainers and - most importantly - celebrate and enjoy all that you’ve accomplished. Come find playfulness and creativity with Katie Burke and SurfYogaBeer. Are you ready to change your life, forever?

lead by example


Katie B
Juliana Tordella
Juliana Tordella @juliana.jpg
Sarah White
Sarah White @thecoastalyogi

fun for daze


Aug. 7th - Arrive by 9am to the San Diego airport to make it on our shuttle.

Aug. 8th - 12th - Full days of instruction, a lot of tacos, activities and winery tour at the end.

Aug. 13th - Departures and check out by 10am. Make sure you get a flight from San Diego airport that departs no earlier then 8pm to make it on time. 


Aug - Nov

Every week there will be a specific syllabus to follow, videos to watch, and scheduled one on ones. The following Thursdays will be live online lectures from 4:30-6:30pm PST:

  • August 22
  • September 5
  • September 19
  • October 3
  • October 17
  • October 24

Nov 19th - Arrive anytime before 1pm at the airport in Managua, Nicaragua. From there we take the SYB bus 2 hours to Playa Maderas to our beautiful home! 

Nov 20th - 24th - A full day of instruction, advanced yoga teacher skill training, tacos, person development workshop, surf lessons, optional morning trail runs, outdoor workouts and a catamaran tour at the end. We finish with our graduation ceremony to take it all the hard work you did!

experience it all


  • 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Cert
  • SYB Academy Cert
  • Accommodations in Mexico
  • Food in Mexico
  • Activities in Mexico
  • Accommodations in Nicaragua
  • Food in Nicaragua
  • Activities in Nicaragua
  • 7 Weeks Detailed Online Study
  • Surf Lessons
  • Catamaran Tour
  • Orphanage Visit
  • Winery Tour
  • Advanced Anatomy
  • SYB Swag
  • Professional Photographer
  • Advanced Asana Development
  • Practical Application
  • Energy & Subtle Body Exploration
  • Weekly One on One Meetings
  • General Fitness Study
  • Leadership Training


  • International flights
  • Horseback Riding
  • Personal Expenses
  • Travel insurance (optional)



cool stuff people said


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As I embark on my final week of yoga teacher training, I find myself reflecting back on the wild ride it’s been to get to this point. 8 months ago I’d never heard of SurfYogaBeer and in those eight short months I’ve been to Iceland, Croatia, Venice, Mexico, NYC, Miami and Nicaragua + working through my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

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A few of my favorite things. Boats, babes, laughter yoga and high vibin spirits. ⛵️ Good thing my heart is stocked with love for this quarantine. Keeping the gratitude! ❤️❤️❤️

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Her yoga adjustments are as good as her hugs. Grateful for your impact on my life ✨ @katiebhappyy #sybacademy #b_inspired @haleyhillphotography

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“Beautiful things happen when you fall in love with the experience of living” ~@katiebhappyy

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⊰ Never perfect ⊱ : The world is not just Black and White...but everything shade in between..so is my yoga practice, my career, my health, my friendships...everything in between. : So a low lunge back bend - one arm high - gaze back - lunge deeper forward - is EXACTLY how I’m meant to feel...another shade of gray and learning how to navigate through a world with so many opportunities and never a NO but a YES.

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“beautiful things happen because we fall in love with the experience of living” @katiebhappyy . . . where can you find grace in your life to see the beauty in living? . . . wrapping up this 200 hr YTT has been unreal. thankful is an understatement for the amount of growth and love i’ve let come into my life since starting this program just 13 weeks ago. . swipe right to see my badass babe friends along for the ride and seeing me through it all. i love you ladies 😘

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“I am exactly where I am supposed to be” • • This past week was right where I needed to be. It was filled with an unexplainable amount of self love and discovery, inspiration, and learning. I gained 16 new best friends. We laughed, we cried, we drank many white claws and margs, and we found our purpose. We not only learned the practice of yoga but we learned about ourselves. I have so much love for each and everyone of these ladies. It has been an experience I will never forget. I can’t wait to come back home to you all in Nicaragua and do it all over again soon 💕🌊☀️🧘🏻‍♀️

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ONE YEAR AGO this month I took a leap of faith and began my yoga teacher training with @surfyogabeer . It was a bucket list gift to myself for my 30th birthday that literally changed my life. ⠀ ⠀ I can’t say I’m a professional yoga teacher at this point. I still can’t do an unassisted headstand. In fact, I’m still very much looking for a studio to call home. ⠀ ⠀ But it was more than just a training. It lit the fire to passions I didn’t know I had; pushed me emotionally, physically, and spiritually; reminded me that we’re more alike than we are different; and most importantly it STILL drives me today to be better and keep my eyes on my dreams. ⠀ ⠀ I’m eternally grateful for this gift that keeps on giving @katiebhappyy @thecoastalyogi @kimvf_ and all my amazing fellow trainees! ⠀ ⠀ I can’t wait for my next @surfyogabeer trip to Belize at the end of the month!⠀

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My heart is so full ♥️. SO excited to be joining two incredible communities as a yoga instructor 🙏. You can find me at CorePower Yoga North Park and The Studio on Palm in Imperial Beach. So grateful for these opportunities and can’t wait to continue my yoga teaching journey! ——————————————————— Huge shoutout to my yoga teacher trainers @katiebhappyy @kimberlyvf @thecoastalyogi (& all my trainee sistas) couldn’t have done this without your support!

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Dreaming of a morning mediation on the water with my favorite girls, or “little chickens” as @katiebhappyy would call us

trip faqs














  • Deposit: Your deposit is 10% of the course fee. It is used to secure your spot and goes toward your full payment. The deposit is non-refundable or transferable.
  • Limited Space: To keep the teacher-student ratio strong we limit our program to 10 students each year. 
  • The remaining balance can be paid at your convenience but is due 3 weeks prior to the start of the program.
  • Trip credit (less deposit) may be transferred towards a future trip (within 12 months) up to 30 days prior to the start of the trip.
  • Please note that there are absolutely no deposit transfers for cancellations within 28 days of the trip. We strongly encourage all participants to purchase trip insurance just to be safe.
  • Earn a 200-Hour Yoga Certification recognized by Yoga Alliance: Registry ID: 254125 RYS® 200
  • Experiencing an unparalleled training in both Mexico and Nicaragua
  • Unlimited online support with Master Trainer Katie B and staff
  • Course syllabus and expectations
  • Weekly online lectures, quizzes, and fun interactives
  • Weekly live streamed personalized class with Katie B
  • Weekly deep investigation into chakra analysis and how it applies directly to your life
  • Balancing your personal chakras
  • Final exam to qualify you for Power Yoga RYT 200
  • Weekly deep dive into structural anatomy and how it applies to yoga
  • Personal training for your asana yoga poses
  • How to better understand your body as it applies to anatomy and healing your own body
  • Intro to meditation lecture and how to apply to life
  • Weekly meditations to practice
  • Understanding the root of lineage based practices and history of yoga
  • Learn the base sanskrit and how they apply to poses
  • Full understanding of the business of yoga
  • Live access to YogaGlo (with over 5000 classes)
  • Unlimited access to SYB Online Library of Yoga Videos
  • Access to a fun, like-minded community that becomes your family
  • Online forums to discuss, debate, and come alive in conversation about this 5000 year old tradition
  • Full immersion with two separate week-long international trips alongside an online program
  • Join the SYB community of Yoga Teachers and host your own trips through SYB
  • Receive 25% off select SYB trips as a logistics leader
  • Participate in SYB mentorship program by traveling around the world on different adventures
  • With our certification, you will be eligible for personal liability insurance.
  • Understanding the business of yoga: how to run your own business or seek employment in gyms, clubs, studios, private training, and beyond
  • Full understanding of the subtle body and how it applies to your life. This will help you find balance in your daily routines, and be able to give other people the knowledge to heal themselves from the inside out first
  • Personal development of your physical asana poses and better understanding of your human anatomy
  • Learn how to meditate
  • Understanding the root of lineage based practices and history of yoga
  • Gain knowledge on the base sanskrit words and how they apply to poses
  • Access to a fun, like-minded community that becomes your family (gain 20 new best friends)
  • Online forums to discuss, debate, and come alive in conversation about this 5000 year old tradition
  • Part of the proceeds benefit the orphanage we will volunteer at in Mexico, Casa Pequenos Hermanos


  • 6 nights accommodations in Ensenada
  • Airport transfers to and from retreat
  • Immersive group study everyday
  • Brunch everyday
  • Winery Tour
  • Dancing Nights
  • Orphanage Visit + Volunteer
  • Photographer + Videographer

Online lectures on Thursdays 4:30-6:30pm PST:

      • Aug 22
      • Sep 5
      • Sep 19
      • Oct 3
      • Oct 17
      • Oct 24

Full one on one weekly availability with Katie

Full course material online

  • 5 nights accommodations Playa Maderas
  • Airport transfers to and from retreat center
  • 4 breakfasts / 4 dinners (all meals except 1 dinners and lunches)
  • Catamaran boat day
  • 3 Surf lessons
  • 30 minute massage
  • Themed Parties
  • Graduation ceremony
  • SYB Swag
  • Photographer + Videographer
  • Immersive group study everyday
  • SYB leadership training by Mantas and Steph
  • 7:00am - Sunrise Sessions
  • 8:30am - Deep Dive Session: Practical Application
  • 9:00am - Breakfast
  • 10:00am - Advanced Asana Development & Partner Fun
  • Noon - BREAK / Excursion to See Culture / Have Adventure
  • 4:00pm - Energy & Subtle Body Exploration
  • 6:00pm - Advanced Anatomy
  • 6:30pm - Sunset Meditation
  • 7:30pm - Dinner
  • 8:30pm - Social Activities or Sleep From a Long Day

Reset, refocus, and rejuvenate and get started with us in beautiful Mexico, just a short drive from the San Diego airport. The initial 7 day immersion will be a deep dive into all things yoga. From the history and lineage to how yoga applies to your 21st century life, our SYB master trainers will guide you into the depths of your best self. Enjoying local, fresh prepared meals, miles away from your normal routine, your mind and body are prepped to take it to a new level of self understanding. While deep in the teachings, you'll learn everything from intro to meditation to how to build into a handstand. We'll take a karma trip to a local orphanage and work in seva (selfless service). In true moderation, we'll wine taste the delicious Mexican grapes in the Valle De Guadalupe.

Following the immersive jump start week in Mexico, the education continues online. With Thursday live online lectures and one on ones for 7 weeks. 

To finish the training and bring everything together we head towards the original SYB destination, Nicaragua. Here we will put everything we've learned into actual practice. Additionally, this week we will learn the more specific leadership skills it takes to not just be a regular yoga teacher but an extraordinary one. The sessions will be lead by senior SYB leaders Mantas Zvinas, Steph Currie and Juliana Tordella. During this week, we will also go over fitness jungle gym workouts, fitness beach games, mobility exercises, and general fitness knowledge. The week also includes a catamaran boat day to secluded white sand beaches, many surf lessons, most meals, exploration in the local town of San Juan del Sur, and daily morning workouts, trail running, and social games. At the end of this week, we host our graduation ceremony and a fun theme party to celebrate. 

Is a deep dive into your own personal practice. How does your body work in each asana? Why does your specific body feel like it does in this pose? We'll work into personal correction, and always provide a solid WHY to each modification so you can go into your teaching knowing how to better serve safely and effectively. We'll work through your favorite funky variations of poses and explore why or why not they are good for your future students.

Takes the lineage based Vedantas (books verbally passed on for over 4000 years) and brings it into your current day life. What is an energy line and how does it apply to your body? Where are there blockages that are limiting you moving forward? You'll be able to not only fully explain what a darn chakra is, but teach it moving forward. The vedic teachings help us to self heal from the inside out.

Takes the required 15 hours from Yoga Alliance anatomy to a whole new level. We'll work into over 40 hours of anatomy so that you can feel fully present in your body, and know how to safely guide other shapes and sizes. Why do the 26 bones in your feet relate directly to back pain? How can an acupressure point in your hand help calm stress? What exactly is happening when you squat low into chair pose and how you achieve stronger legs doing less work? Ujjayi what? Brachialradial-what? You'll know, don't worry.

Brings the essentials of getting your hands dirty. You'll spend an hour plus every week live with your trainers in a personalized class for your class, as well as observe and learn from the best teachers in the world from YogaGlo.com - As you transcribe cues that you love, discuss the ones that don't work, and get all the WHY?'s out with your trainers, you'll start to understand the inner workings of any yoga teachers sequencing and theming. How can you safely adjust a person with a shoulder injury? How do you teach a class to multilevels of students? What does an outdoor class look like? What is the business behind becoming a teacher? Is teaching privates or public best for your style? (yeah, you'll find out your style by the end)

Once you've graduated our program you will be eligible to attend select SYB trips with a 25% discount in the form of an assistant leader. This is the first step in becoming an official SYB leader and leading your own trips around the world with us.



Adventure with your best friends you haven't met yet!



Cancelled trips will hold as credit if notified up to 28 days prior.



We are inclusive. Fitness and adventure belongs to everyone.